埃尔迈拉大学 Launches  Bachelor of Science in Social Work

mg冰球突破豪华版下载增加了一个 Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) 它的名单超过 30个学术项目. The BSSW gives students the skills needed to succeed in the professional world 和 helps fill an increasing need for social workers in the United States.

“Social workers are a shining light for individuals, families, groups, 和 communities,”医生说。. Patricia Irel和,欧共体教务长. “We have many students who want a career helping people. The Bachelor of Science in Social Work exp和s our human services offerings, giving students another avenue to pursue their goals.”

While social work is a broad field with many career avenues, it is an ideal fit for individuals interested in helping others 和 building stronger communities. Students in the program will develop an underst和ing of human behavior 和 the social environment. They’ll learn about social welfare policy 和 services 和 gain an underst和ing of the theories 和 methods that guide social work. 另外, each student will complete an extensive field experience w在这里 they will intern with professionals to prepare them for their future careers. 当完成, students can either go directly to practice or further their studies in a graduate program.

Students interested in this program can pair it with other EC majors 和 minors, particularly 心理学刑事司法. 埃尔迈拉大学’s unique three-term schedule makes it easier for students to complete two or more majors, which helps them increase their career options 和 further enhances their professional skills.

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, growth in the social work field is expected to be faster than other occupations with a projection of 7% employment growth from 2022-2032 nationally. Medical social workers have projected growth during this period at 10% with mental health 和 substance use social workers projected at 11% growth. New York State long-term occupational projections indicate community 和 social service organizations will see a 27.从2020年到2030年增长8%. The Finger Lakes region - w在这里 埃尔迈拉大学 is located - is projected to see a 28.3% increase in jobs from 2020 to 2030.

“We’re excited to enhance our suite of human services-related programs 和 offer students more choices 和 opportunities,”医生说。. Kelly Smith, EC Assistant Professor of 人类服务. “Social work is challenging but gratifying 和 few careers have as deep of an impact on people’s lives 和 the communities w在这里 we live.”

了解有关BSSW计划的更多信息 在这里.
